FIELD DAY is the largest amateur radio activity related to public service. Each June amateurs throughout North America take their radio equipment into the great outdoors to simulate operations during a disaster. Portable power supplies, leantos and tents are used. Over 100,000 amateurs take part in this event throughout North America each year. Field day is held each year during the last weekend of June. Our club station is set up just north of Edmonton in an open field.

The purpose of this exercise is to simulate emergency conditions during a possible disaster such as a Tornado, Earth Quakes or other emergency situations. Stations are operated for a 24 hour period. The challenge is to establish a temporary station and to make as many contacts over a 24 hour period as possible. A typical two transmitter station will make over 900 contacts during this time. Although it is only practice every amateur approaches this event as a test of his/her ability to assist in case of a major disaster.

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